Follow the Water - Follow the Money
Tageszeitung will follow the trail development money and investigate a solutions-oriented approach to water-related problems in the least developed countries.
- €120,060 Budget in Euros
- 2020 Final release date
- 3 Round winner
- 5 Locations

Tageszeitung will follow the trail of German development money in projects focusing on access to clean water and sanitation. The investigation, with a solutions-oriented approach, aims to reveal problems and potential solutions to water-related problems in the least developed countries.
2.2 billion people in the world do not have regular access to clean water. More and more often it is privatised or it leads to conflicts. Drinking water is scarce, especially in the global south. The climate crisis, drought and floods are exacerbating the situation. How can these conflicts be resolved? And what role does German development cooperation play in this? TAZ correspondents will spend a year researching Latin America, West Asia, South Asia and Africa along the Nile.
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